From there, you’ll see a list of your drafted or uploaded videos. To edit your video’s title, click on your profile and then “Creator Studio”.Now that your video is uploaded to your YouTube channel, you will want to write a relevant title that includes at least one keyword at the beginning. Summarize those ideas into simple keywords. Think of keywords your target audience would search for by reviewing your channel, and types of videos you’re uploading.To add channel keywords, select “YouTube Studio” -> “Settings” -> “Channel” -> “Basic info”.Specifically, they help YouTube understand the type of content you produce and who your target audience is.

YouTube channel keywords are terms that give YouTube information and context about your channel. Make sure your description includes keywords about your school, college, or department’s mission and role within the Boston University community.With this in mind, you’ll want to communicate your band/positioning right off the bat. The first 100-150 character of your channel description are the most important, as YouTube shows that text snippet next to your channel in the search results.When finished, click “Done” to save all changes. From there, select “About” followed by the pencil icon to edit. To edit your description, select “Customize Channel” at the top right corner of your channel dashboard.Examples could include: Boston University College of Communication, Elie Wiesel Center for Jewish Studies at Boston University, Questrom School of Business, Boston University, etc. Including ‘Boston University’ in your account name garners better SEO results. Make sure your account accurately represents the name of your school, college or department.Optimized hashtags will provide more visibility for related video posts on the platform. Hashtags can also be used on YouTube as keywords.It is important to keep this in mind as you are writing all titles, descriptions, and tags. SEO experts are also encouraging the use of questions as keywords as many users tailor their search by asking questions into their smart deceives (Siri, Alexa, etc.) or search engines.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) for YouTube: A Step-by-Step Guide